August 8, 2023

Let's Get Filmi! 2023

Monday, August 7 - Pictureville Cinema at National Media Museum, Bradford

BSAF 2023 got off to a very 'filmi' start with a special screening of Brit-Asian action comedy 'Polite Society'.

As part of the build-up to BSAF 2023, on the theme of J.O.Y (Just Own You) we wanted to celebrate the joy of film through a British-Asian lens. Movies are deeply embedded in the DNA of South Asian culture and identity, and we all have it in us to get a bit 'filmi'! The rise of Brit-Asian films in the last few decades has added a much needed dose of celluloid representation for the UK desi diaspora. We decided to honour both of those things with a screening of recent Brit-Asian comedy action film

'Polite Society, which mashes together Bollywood melodrama, English quirkiness and Tarantino-esque high octane action. After the screening, we invited the audience to recreate some of their favourite classic Bollywood film moments in photo form. We didn't have to ask twice for them to get VERY filmi!