August 11, 2023

Antakshari, Karaoke and Tea!

Thursday, August 10, Womenzone

Antakshari is a popular parlour game played in homes across the subcontinent, imagine charades powered up to the Nth degree with a bit of desi musical masala chucked in.

As a preview to the launch of our first ever BSAF Antakshari singing riff-off competition, we decided to host a taster event at Womenzone community centre. The ladies from the Thursday club, along with their friends and guests, were invited to warm up their vocal chords at our relaxed musical gathering. It was a chance to sing, eat, drink chai (made by our

very own BSAF team!) and chat about the little things that bring us BIG joy!Some stars certainly emerged on the day, with a couple of ladies revealing their hidden talents on dholki (small drum) and traditional folk singing. And our favourite was the 80 year old aunti-jee who just couldn’t stop dancing!